More than 80 years since the Faculty’s establishment in 1940 may not seem a long time. But the history of university education in technical chemistry in Slovakia is much longer. The Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology continues in the best traditions of the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica, one of the leading technical universities in Europe, where students from the whole Europe studied. Chemistry and mathematics were taught by such renowned scientists as Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin, Giovanni Antonio Scopoli, Anton Ruprecht or Christian Doppler. Progressive industrialization and industry building after World War II opened new possibilities for technical chemistry giving it a new impulse. Graduates of the Faculty stood at the beginning of modern industry and significantly contributed to the research foundations of Slovak chemistry and food processing. The Faculty is nowadays a respected university institution having educated more than 19 000 Masters of Science and 2 000 Philosophiae Doctors for the whole spectrum of chemical and food processing industry. Many of our graduates became also managers and directors in renowned industrial companies, cabinet ministers, ambassadors of the Slovak republic to other countries or rectors of other universities. The good reputation of our Faculty is also supported by the authorities evaluating the quality of research and education at our Alma Mater. The Accreditation Commission of the Slovak Republic as well as the independent Academic Ranking and Rating Agency ARRA have granted the Faculty the first place among the technical universities in Slovakia.
The Faculty has an exceptional position in the system of Slovak university education. It is the only faculty providing complete university education based on chemical-engineering and natural science theoretical foundations, educating engineers for all fields of chemical and food processing industry. Approximately 1500 students attend the Faculty in all three degrees of university education, and their education is provided by more than 30 professors, 70 associated professors, 90 assistant professors and 100 researchers.
The Faculty offers study programs in all three degrees of university education, as well as courses of lifelong education including modules for the University of the Third Age. The first, bachelor, degree takes three years (or four years in remedial programs) and provides six study programs oriented on biochemistry and biophysical chemistry for pharmaceutical applications, biotechnology, chemistry, medical chemistry and chemical materials, chemical engineering, food, nutrition and cosmetics and process control. This study degree is completed by a Bachelor’s Project and a state exam, where students earn the title of “Bachelor of Science” (BSc.).
In the second, Master, degree of university study, ten study programs oriented on automation and information engineering in chemistry, biochemistry and biomedical technology, biotechnology, chemical engineering, chemical technology, technical chemistry, natural and synthetic polymers, conservation of heritage materials and objects, environmental protection technology, food, hygiene and cosmetics are accredited. To achieve the title of “Master of Science” (MSc.), Diploma Thesis defense and state exam have to be completed. Together with technological subjects natural sciences, economy and law subjects are studied.
The highest degree of university education is the doctoral degree, preparing graduates for their individual research work. The Faculty offers education and research in 15 doctoral programs.
An essential requirement of good university education is its close connection with research. Scientific schools continuing in the best traditions of their predecessors have been formed at the Faculty. Research is oriented mainly towards material structure characterization, chemical technologies, biomedical technologies, biotechnologies, food processing and nutrition, biochemistry, chemical processes control, cultural heritage protection and environmental engineering. The Faculty has actively participated in the solution of important framework projects of the European Union, projects H2020, grants of the European Structural Funds and domestic research projects of the VEGA, KEGA and APVV agencies. An important factor of research and scientific development is the close cooperation with industry. The high interest of the production sphere in such cooperation proves that the research results can be practically applied in the production processes and that the Faculty fulfils its mission also in this regard.
The Slovak Chemical Library which is a part of the Faculty is an important nationwide institution providing general professional public with a wide spectrum of chemistry-oriented information. The present library book stock, together with modern information technologies provide good resources for research and scientific work. The Faculty participates also in the publication of specialized scientific journals: e. g. Chemical Papers, Acta Chimica Slovaca etc.
The Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava has for more than 80 years attempted not only to educate and research but also to teach its students and employees to be proud of their Alma mater.