The Institute of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics belongs to the most productive institutes at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The staff of the Institute publishes approximately 50 Current Contents papers annually and their contributions are widely cited with approximately 2400 SCI per year. The following represent main scientifically active research groups at the Institute: the EPR spectroscopy group, the group of theoretical and computational chemistry, the group of thermal analyses, the group of X-ray crystallography, the scientific group focused on electrical properties of materials, and the group of molecular distillation and alternative fuels. The research objectives of the Institute are mainly focused on the organic molecules with potential applications in sensors and optoelectronic devices, natural and synthetic drugs, antioxidants as well as new materials for catalysis. The EPR spectroscopy group investigates the structure and reactivity of paramagnetic species in chemical, biological and photochemical systems, particularly in the field of radical chemistry. Photochemically initiated processes of a variety of biologically active compounds as well as photochemically induced processes in homogeneous and heterogeneous suspensions of photocatalysts are intensively investigated. In addition, the role of oxidative stress in the development of various human diseases is studied in detail within the EPR group. A large part of the studies is oriented on the reduction and oxidation of selected redox active coordination compounds and modern materials for optoelectronics using unique in situ EPR/UV-vis-NIR spectroelectrochemical methods. The group of theoretical and computational chemistry concentrates on the theoretical prediction and interpretation of experimental outputs from cooperating groups in Slovakia and abroad. The X-ray group, in addition to the structural analyses, investigates also the charge density distribution, which enables the determination of electron density distribution in the investigated molecules. Beside the study of naturally occurring and synthetic compounds with essential roles in biosystems (antioxidants, pharmaceuticals), the study of physical-chemical properties, stability and degradation of materials represents an important field of research conducted at the Institute. In particular, in the field of thermoanalytical study attention is devoted to the kinetics of processes taking place in different materials. The group of thermal analyses investigates the thermo-oxidative stability of a variety of liquid and solid materials (e.g. natural antioxidants, stabilisers for synthetic rubbers and food supplements). Unique new techniques for the modelling of processes in condensed phase have been developed at both isothermic and nonisotermic conditions. Research activities of the theoretical group are oriented on theoretical modelling of antioxidants, conducting polymers and oligomers, nanocomposites and carbon nanostructures including also the molecular dynamics studies. Preparation and physical-chemical characterization of alternative diesel fuels and, particularly, the study of possible ways to utilize used frying oils in fatty acid methyl esters production is another unique subject of the research with a long-term tradition at the Institute.