Pozývame študentov, doktorandov a záujemcov na seminár pre chemikov, lekárov, biológov i farmaceutov
Dr. Veli-Pekka Hyttinen:
New SciFinder-n® features including Retrosynthesis Planner
(= elektronická verzia bývalých Chemical Abstracts)
SciFinder-n includes the following new features:
* automatic search history
* auto-suggest and unlimited reference, structure and reaction answer sets
* Boolean operators i.e. (total OR synthesis) AND "natural product"
* combination of text searches with structures
* multiple searches simultaneously
* new world class relevance ranking and Citation map with onward and backward citations
* search with an asterisk "*" using SLART both left and right-hand-truncation
* monitoring on reactions and Markush structures (Alerts)
* filtering Regulatory information with truncation to identify compounds by chemical name from international or national chemical lists
* MethodsNow to 5 million analytical and synthetic method protocols including step-by-step
instructions, instruments and recipes ( CAS Method Nr )
* PatentPak which covers 14 million searchable patent full-texts and pin-pointed substance
location in patents including all substance names and structures tagged with CAS Nr
* CAS Retrosynthesis Planner which is our new "Computer-Aided Synthetic Design" CASD
software which allows to create retrosynthesis process to make known target molecules
including intermediates, their cost and yields from indexed experimental reaction pathways.
Seminár sa uskutoční vo štvrtok, dňa 10. októbra 2019 o 13,30 v bočnej miestnosti pri počítačoch Slovenskej chemickej knižnice (vpravo), FCHPT STU, Radlinského 9, 2. posch., blok A
Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť !
prof. Ing. V. MILATA, DrSc. prof. Ing. Anton GATIAL, DrSc.